
20 Apr 2024

Easement on sale of defrosted poultry meat in UK does not affect Ireland, says FSAI

Easement on sale of defrosted poultry meat in UK does not affect Ireland, says FSAI

A temporary easement on the sale of defrosted poultry meat in the United Kingdom does not affect Ireland. 

That's according to the Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI), which issued a reminder this week about the European Union's (EU) ban on the sale of defrosted poultry meat. 

For this year's Christmas period, England and Wales is allowing the production and sale of certain defrosted previously-frozen poultry meat clearly labelled as 'defrosted'. 

This allowance will not be in place for affected products sold in Northern Ireland due to the NI Protocol. 

Food businesses in Ireland should be aware that EU food regulations have not changed despite the UK's decision, as poultry meat marketed in the EU must be either fresh (not previously frozen), frozen or quick-frozen. 

Examples of operations which are not allowed in Ireland and Northern Ireland include the importation of defrosted poultry meat, placing defrosted poultry meat on the market, and producing defrosted poultry meat. 

Importers, retailers, distributors and producers are asked to exercise extra vigilance to poultry meat marketing standards in their poultry meat operations for the 2022 Christmas period. 

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